HelpSeed Blockchain
Decentralized Ecosystem for Finance Platforms Future
We present an all-in-one blockchain platform, HelpSeed, which includes a number of advanced features that can enhance the functionality and interoperability of decentralized applications (DApps) built on the platform. We utilize both Proof of Authority (PoA) and Proof of Stake (PoS) as consensus and use the powerful cryptographic primitives to resist to powerful adversaries. We combine the two consensus algorithms in a single blockchain system by using PoA for certain aspects of the consensus process and PoS for other aspects.
Our system uses PoA to validate transactions and PoS to select the nodes that will be responsible for adding those transactions to the blockchain. This is done to provide a balance between the efficiency and security of the two algorithms and to meet the specific needs of a particular application. In our hybrid system, the validators are chosen using a combination of both PoA and PoS. The validators are selected based on their reputation and identity, as in PoA, but they also need to hold a certain amount of cryptocurrency, as in PoS.
This hybrid approach provides the benefits of both PoA and PoS, such as a more secure and decentralized network, while also allowing for more flexibility and control. We enumerate distinct notions of security for each party in the system and suggest a way to classify anonymous systems based on the kinds of security provided. HelpSeed ensures the availability of each transaction for a permanent lifetime. HelpSeed‘s incentives-based approach is tailored such that it is simpler and more versatile, performing flexibly in both well-functioning and poorly-functioning environments. The reputation system also provides server accountability by limiting the damage caused by misbehaving servers.
We also introduce the HelpSeed Bridge Protocol, HelpSeed Protocol, and HelpSeed DEX to address and improve the interoperability and privacy issues of existing systems. HelpSeed has also many different topics and incentive mechanisms related to the blockchain ecosystem that are of interest to developers, users, and researchers.